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Storm water management focuses on reducing rainwater runoff from roofs, driveways, streets, and other impervious (hard) surfaces, while protecting and improving creek and ocean water quality. 

In urban areas, impermeable surfaces prevent water from naturally soaking into the ground. Instead, storm water (rain) flows quickly into storm drains on our streets, which flow into our creeks and ocean untreated. This can lead to:

  • Flooding
  • Creek bank erosion
  • Habitat destruction
  • Damage to infrastructure
  • Increased water turbidity (cloudiness from disturbed sediment)

This storm water runoff often carries pollutants like auto fluids, lawn and garden chemicals, bacteria, and litter into our creeks and ocean. The primary goal of storm water management is to decrease runoff and remove pollutants from the water before it reaches our waterways.

SWMP Requirements for Development and Redevelopment

Like all communities in California, the City of Santa Barbara is required to develop post-construction storm water treatment requirements for new development and redevelopment projects to reduce storm water runoff and prevent pollution. 

These post-construction requirements are designed to manage storm water once a project is complete and into the future, compared to temporary BMPs required during construction to prevent pollutants from leaving a construction site and flowing into storm drains and creeks. 

Storm Water Review Process

The storm water review process is how City staff evaluate project designs to ensure they comply with these regulations, similar to how the City reviews structural, electrical, and plumbing plans. 

Resources for Storm Water Management

Look Book
Storm water management BMPs can be attractive landscape features, as shown in the Creeks Division's Storm Water Solutions Visual Guide or "Look Book" (coming soon!), featuring BMPs in Santa Barbara.

Quick Guides
The Creeks Division has also developed a series of Storm Water Quick Reference Guides or "Quick Guides" (coming soon!) that summarize storm water management requirements for development and redevelopment projects in the City. 

  • Tier 1 Quick Guide for projects including 1-499 square feet of new and/or redeveloped impervious areas.
  • Tier 2 Quick Guide for projects involving 500-1,999 square feet of new and/or redeveloped impervious areas.
  • Tier 3/4 Quick Guide for projects involving 2,000 square feet or more of new and/or redeveloped impervious areas.

Technical Guidance Manual
Once you have reviewed the Quick Guide appropriate to your project, the City's Storm Water BMP Technical Guidance Manual provides detailed information and sizing worksheets for a variety of BMPs that comply with storm water management requirements.

Creeks Division staff are available to assist with any storm water management questions. Please reach out to us at or (805) 897-2658.

Learn More About Storm Water Management

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