Arroyo Burro Restoration at Hidden Valley Park
The Creeks Division's Arroyo Burro Restoration Project at Hidden Valley Park was completed in late 2018. The 2.8-acre project site was previously in a degraded state, with hundreds of feet of pipe and wire revetment in the creek and on the creek banks, and extensive areas of invasive non-native species encroaching into native habitat.
The restoration project included the removal of 450 linear feet of pipe and wire revetment in the creek and removal of concrete pads on the top of the creek bank. Biotechnical bank stabilization was added to provide a more natural creek bank that is not prone to failure, and the top of bank in the park was planted with native riparian trees, shrubs, and herbs.
The project also included the removal of non-native invasive plants where they had begun to displace existing native plants. Over 4,000 native riparian and upland plants, including over 800 native trees, were planted throughout the site to replace the removed invasive plants and to enhance existing habitat.
The site will be managed in a way that supports the growth characteristics of native trees and other plants to ensure long term viability of the existing riparian community.