Arroyo Burro Restoration at the Palermo Open Space
In December 2019, the Creeks Division purchased two properties along Arroyo Burro at the end of Palermo Road, currently referred to as the Palermo Open Space. The purpose of this 5.3-acre acquisition is to preserve and protect this rare creek side open space within the City, and to allow for the implementation of a creek restoration and water quality improvement project on Arroyo Burro.
The Creeks Division plans to improve the site through non-native weed removal, revegetation with native plants, biotechnical stabilization of eroding banks, removal of hard structures from the creek area, improvement of trails, and interpretive signage.
Acquisition of this property was generously supported by the Resources Agency to Improve California River Parkways under the 2002 Resources Bond; the California Coastal Conservancy through the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 (Proposition 1); and, by City of Santa Barbara hotel visitors through Measure B.