Eastside Library will be closed due to construction work through 8/7.

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(805) 897-2658

Project Location


In 2022, the Creeks Division began initial design work on the upcoming Mission Creek Restoration at Oak Park. The project will take place along an 1,800 foot reach of Mission Creek that flows through the City-owned Oak Park. This reach of creek is degraded due to construction of hardened banks and a modified creek bed. 

The goals of this project are to improve wildlife habitat, water quality, aesthetics, and flood control. Project elements include removal of obsolete structures, removal of invasive non-native plants, restoration of the creek channel, and revegetation with native plants and trees. A restored creek channel will improve wildlife access, food supplies, and shelter. Water quality will also be improved through increased shading, aeration, and bio-filtration. In addition, park aesthetics will be improved by the planting of native plants and trees, and a more natural creek channel. 

Construction is anticipated to take place in summer 2024.