Reducing Your Waste
The best way to pay less on your trash bill is to generate less trash.
By law you must have adequate trash service for your dwelling, but if you reduce how much you throw away, you can always adjust your trash service downward (to the minimum of one 32 gallon can per week) and save money. To change your trash service at any point, call MarBorg at (805) 963-1852.
Here are some handy tips for reducing your family’s waste:
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- Have recycling bins available in many rooms of your house, not just the kitchen
- Buy in bulk to reduce packaging. That goes for produce, dry good, paper products, bath products -- just about anything
- Replace paper towels with cloth hand towels and dish towels
- Use reusable bags instead of paper or plastic
- Reuse plastic and glass containers as food storage (serving the function of Tupperware)
- Compost your own foodscraps. To learn more about backyard compost in Santa Barbara, please visit Less Is More