Creek Buffer Ordinance
Development buffers along creeks are required by the City’s General Plan, by the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, and for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. Buffers between structures and creeks are important to reduce public safety risks associated with erosion and flooding. Additionally, buffers protect creek side habitats, preserve scenic beauty, and enhance water quality in our creeks and ocean.
For much of the City, specific requirements for development buffers are currently determined on a case-by-case basis. The lack of clarity often leads to prolonged development application reviews, costly analysis, and inconsistent outcomes over time.
To streamline permit application reviews and provide clarity to applicants, the City has developed proposed minimum buffers from City creeks that will be applied objectively throughout the City. The ordinance will apply to all portions of the City except the Airport area, where regulations specific to Goleta Slough apply.