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Understanding Your Bill


Electricity generation rates, for SCE and SBCE customers alike, have increased significantly over the past few years. The past winter was significantly colder than normal, causing a dramatic increase in heating needs and impacting natural gas supply. Natural gas supply has also been impacted by other factors such as the war in Ukraine, the El Paso Pipeline explosion and decreased natural gas storage. Though SBCE has no natural gas in its electrical portfolio, it remains one of the main sources of electricity across the state. Its low supply means that other sources of electricity are in high demand, creating significant increases in electrical prices. Because SBCE's prices are tied to SCE’s, customers of both electricity providers saw the same percentage increase in their bill. 

If you have any questions, please contact City of Santa Barbara Energy & Climate Manager Jefferson Litten at


Reading Your Bill

Southern California Edison sends you one monthly bill that covers the delivery charges from Edison and the energy generation charges from Santa Barbara Clean Energy. Please note: Santa Barbara Clean Energy replaces Edison energy generation charges and are not added fees.


Bill Electric Southern California Edison