Shopper FAQs
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Single-use plastic carryout bag means any bag made predominantly of plastic derived from either petroleum or a biologically-based source (including compostable and biodegradable bags). This does not include reusable bags, produce or product bags (bags used to carry meat, vegetables or other products to the point-of-sale).
The intent of the Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance is to significantly reduce the environmental impacts related to single-use plastic carry out bags and promote a shift towards the use of reusable bags.
Are plastic produce bags (used to carry meat and produce to the register) banned from being sold or distributed at stores?
Are plastic trash can liners banned from being sold at stores?
No. Paper bags distributed for physician prescribed prescriptions are not regulated. However, carryout bags that a customer obtains for other purchased items would still be affected.
Compostable and biodegradable bags have all the same fly-away tendencies as bags made out of light-weight plastic. Therefore, they are as likely to become litter or marine debris. Compostable bags are made to compost in an industrial composting facility, not in the natural environment.
If you can comfortably carry your purchases out by hand, that is one option; or you can repackage your goods into a shopping cart or basket and unload them directly into your vehicle (and then return the cart or basket).
Customers have a variety of options available to bypass the cost of purchasing paper and reusable bags, such as:
Woven or cloth reusable bags are not recyclable. The best option for this type of bag is to donate it to a second hand store if it is still in usable condition or repurpose the material. Reusable plastic bags and single use plastic bags should be bagged together and either a) brought back to a major grocery store and placed in the bag recycling receptacle or b) placed in your trash. For more on plastic bag disposal please read this article.
All regulated stores must provide at the point of sale, free of charge, either reusable bags or recyclable paper carryout bags or both, at the store's option to any customer participating in California supplemental nutrition and feeding programs.
All monies collected by a store under this Ordinance may be retained by the store and may be used for:
Not currently. Please check with the State Board of Equalization. The latest advisory is that the 10-cent charge on paper bags is not subject to State sales tax.
801 Garden Street, Suite 200
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 564-5631
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