All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.


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The Clean Community Division's Clean SB program is dedicated to keeping the City clean through a suite of programs focused on clean-up of litter, illegal dumping, abandoned shopping carts, encampments, and more.

How to Report Issues

Text reads" Connect with the City" and "Conectate con la Ciudad"

Three easy ways to report illegal dumping, litter, homeless encampments, and abandoned shopping carts in the City of Santa Barbara:


  1. Use the City's new SBConnect app (available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store)

  2. Call Clean SB Hotline at (805) 564-5558

  3. Email us at 

Please Note: 

  • In the event of an emergency, please call 911. 

  • Reports of encampments posing a fire or safety concern should be reported to the Santa Barbara Police Department's non-emergency line at (805) 882-8900.

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