Public Workshop: Upcoming Changes for City of Santa Barbara MarBorg Customers
The Clean Community Division and MarBorg Industries will host a Public Workshop to discuss upcoming changes for trash and recycling customers in the City of Santa Barbara.
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Time: 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Location: Sustainability & Resilience Office, 801 Garden Street, Suite 200
In February, MarBorg will begin replacing existing brown trash carts with new gray carts (wheeled containers). This change is taking place to meet the requirements of California Senate Bill 1383, which sets statewide rules for container colors. This change will not affect your service or rates.
In the spring of 2025, MarBorg will begin replacing cans (non-wheeled containers) with carts for each waste stream (trash, recycling, yard waste). This change will not affect your service or rates.
Starting July 1, 2025, all customers will be transitioned to automated curbside collection service. Customers who currently receive in-place can service will be required to bring carts to the curb for service (in-place service will be available for a fee; waivers for elderly and disabled customers will also be available).
For more information about the new containers, service changes, or fees, contact MarBorg Industries at (805) 963-1852.
To stay informed about trash and recycling updates in Santa Barbara, visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/CleanCommunity.