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Project Location


In April 2025 the Clean Community Division will begin a remediation project at Parking Lot 12 in downtown Santa Barbara. Prior to becoming a City parking lot, the site's historic uses left lasting underground pollutants. 

The project will consist of enhanced bioremediation through injecting microbes into the groundwater to reduce contamination, changing harmful chemicals into less toxic ones. No soil excavation or groundwater pumping will take place.


Parking Impacts

The project is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 14 and to be completed in early May. The Clean Community Division, Downtown Parking Team, and Rincon Consultants, Inc. are carefully planning this project to minimize the impact to parking availability in Lot 12. The lot will remain open with fewer available spaces. Nearby Lot 13 (adjacent to the Amtrak Station) and surrounding street parking will serve as overflow if the available spaces are full.

Weekday Parking and Traffic Patterns

Schematic of Lot 12 in Santa Barbara showing parking and traffic patterns during remediation project

Weekend Parking and Traffic Patterns

Schematic of Lot 12 in Santa Barbara showing weekend parking and traffic patterns during remediation project