Para obtener información sobre los cierres durante el mes de enero, visita nuestra página de Días festivos y cierres.


La participación de la comunidad es esencial para la salud a largo plazo de nuestros arroyos, playas y barrios, y los eventos de voluntariado ofrecen una gran oportunidad para que los miembros de la comunidad interesados aprendan más sobre nuestros programas y el medio ambiente local.

Únase a la División de Arroyos para limpiar playas y arroyos, plantar plantas autóctonas y eliminar plantas invasoras, o participe como voluntario con la División de Comunidad Limpia en una de sus limpiezas mensuales de barrios.

El Departamento de Sostenibilidad y Resiliencia organiza eventos de voluntariado durante todo el año, y también puede acomodar a empresas, grupos escolares y otras organizaciones que deseen planificar eventos de servicio.

Explore nuestras oportunidades de voluntariado, suscríbase a nuestros boletines, síganos en las redes sociales o póngase en contacto con nosotros para organizar un evento para su organización.

Join a Monthly Cleanup

Image of volunteers cleaning up litter with white text overlaid that says "Monthly Neighborhood Cleanups"

The Clean Community Division hosts monthly cleanups at different locations throughout our community. Drop by and help beautify our City!

View the list of upcoming events above, follow us on social media (see links in the page footer), or subscribe to our mailing list to be notified of volunteer opportunities.

Plan a Group Volunteer Event

Photo of a group of volunteers and bags of litter with white text overlaid that says "Group Volunteer Events"

Coordinate a group clean-up activity for your school, business, or organization! We can work with you to select a date and project that suits your needs. 

Options include litter and graffiti removal, beach or creek cleanups, native planting, or invasive plant removal.

Contact us at to get started.

Independent Cleanups

Close up of litter on the ground, and the lower legs and feet of a volunteer holding a bag and trash grabber picking up the litter.

Want to clean up your neighborhood or your favorite beach on your own time? Need community service hours? We can support you with cleanup materials and service verification. 

Email us at for details.


Image of a person collecting trash on a beach

The Creeks Division administers the California Coastal Commission's Adopt-a-Beach Program in the City of Santa Barbara. 

Get involved in existing Adopt-a-Beach activities through the organizations below, or contact us at to learn more about adopting a beach of your own!

West Beach: Santa Barbara Channelkeeper
East Beach at Mission Creek Lagoon: Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council
East Beach: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Sea Center

Youth Fundraising

Image of youth cleaning up trash in a park

The Clean Community Division is proud to sponsor an opportunity for youth groups to earn up to $500 while cleaning up their community. 

To receive funding, groups must provide a Certificate of Insurance & Endorsement additionally insuring the City of Santa Barbara, a Letter of Understanding agreeing to the terms of the program, and Volunteer Waivers for each person participating in the event.

Submit our Interest Form to get started, or email us at with any questions.